PvE Events problems

Discussion in 'Event Questions' started by xkeke34, Jul 21, 2020.

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  1. xkeke34

    xkeke34 Forum Apprentice

    When are pve event rewards available to accounts??
    Is it active right after the event ends or does it take some time to pass.
    ölüm741, sanane57 and illidanking like this.
  2. NSDT-returns

    NSDT-returns Someday Author

    If you mean the bronze/silver/gold chests they all pop in your inventory when the event ends.
    So does the Leaderboard chest if you got it.

    That how it worked for previous PvE seasons.
  3. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    I can't say exactly how the timing works, but the rewards chests have always been waiting for me the next time (next hour? next day?) I logged in after the event ended, not several days or a week later.
  4. xkeke34

    xkeke34 Forum Apprentice

    Thank you all. I think I got my answer
    Good luck
    ölüm741, sanane57 and illidanking like this.
  5. vampiro

    vampiro Advanced

    Specific Q1-Q9 chests for solo and group are available at 00:00h.
    Global ranking chests (if you enter the 200 first global rank for solo and group) are available with daily reset at 2:00am.
    xkeke34 likes this.
  6. xkeke34

    xkeke34 Forum Apprentice

    The season was over last night.I got all the rewards when I woke up in the morning.
    It looked enormous thanks for your attention. Good Luck all
    ölüm741, sanane57 and illidanking like this.