crypt of mini king

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Le-Pou, Aug 12, 2017.

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  1. Le-Pou

    Le-Pou Forum Greenhorn


    Where is crypth of mini king ?

  2. Shabono

    Shabono Forum Greenhorn


    If you open your quest log and read the description of your task, I think you will find there both the name of the King in question and his location. It would also help if you write the level of your character.

    Hope this helps a bit.
  3. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there @Le-Pou ,

    Welcome to our EN Forum ;)
    Normally, there is a path that indicates you the correct place you should go.
    In case of doubts, you can check always our DSO Guide and, in your case, check Locations information.
    We also have an official Wiki, where you can find everything about Drakensang, including Locations.
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