One shot kill destroys DK class

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by KrivQrac, Jul 2, 2017.

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  1. KrivQrac

    KrivQrac Forum Apprentice

    Why have you destroyed DK class? And also idea of well balanced character? These days, after r 193, everything is in dmg and luck. I have decent DK, playing everyday for almost 3 years, collecting almost all sets, trying with this one and that one, combining... In some point I was very pleased with this game, especially pvp, because there was IQ needed to make well ballanced char to win the arena, and skill to play with that character, not only one or two tricks. Now is different. Skyhigh dmg made 1h DK useless, there is no way for them to aproach range opponents. Sigrismar set, q7 set and now Dragan set made range fighters much too overpowered. With 80% blockrate, 67% armor, 50% resistance and more than 50k hp I can not aproach skilled mage, dwarf or archer. It is almost impossible to come to them without one shot suffered, and that one shot is more than enough to drop me on the dirt. yesterday archer hitted me with 75k dmg. Please, answer me how is 1h dk supposed to play arena? Thanks.
  2. bloodyneo

    bloodyneo Forum Master

    67% armor and 50% resistance for a dk ....need 1 million hp with this stat
  3. KrivQrac

    KrivQrac Forum Apprentice

    Can you tell me your stats?
  4. Trouble(lostwarriors)

    Trouble(lostwarriors) Forum Apprentice

    so after 194 i will delete my char im a ranger, and because they will cut the buff from q7 from 3 to 2 sec and expl is not anymore expl, 1troublemaker last days for me guys, its not normal ,magicians q8 best bonus set in the game , magicians jump 3 times, magicians recover 100% mana when he jump, rangers 25%
    magicians set q7 fire balls for 5 mana , rangers 64 cost of concentration for 1 expl ,nice job gregor is still here!!!! dk with 100k hp on 2 h and and 18k dmg, is great guys so in 6 years rangers had 2 moments when they matter when predator was included in game and with bonus set from q7when expl was actualy expl
  5. Fugnuts

    Fugnuts Forum Master

    The skill will still explode when u hit the opponent i think.It will not explode when u hit the walls or other stationary objects.It wont explode also if u shoot it and wont hit anything in its will simply dissapear when it reaches the max range..without the boom.
  6. bloodyneo

    bloodyneo Forum Master

    71% armor.....64% resistance....46k hp....16400 damage
    Universeea likes this.
  7. KrivQrac

    KrivQrac Forum Apprentice

    And you don't die when strong dmger hits you? I doubt. Exploding arrow, ice spheres from mage... It kills you.
  8. bloodyneo

    bloodyneo Forum Master

    im only mad because developers trick rangers to use 2h and swap their saphies into grand saphire and there is no way back to use quiver ....the only way for us rangers is to delet character and quit this fraud game developers
  9. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    How did they trick you? I play a 2H DK and I wasn't stupid enough to fall for the runes. I knew that I could farm them over time while still maintaining all my sapphires and reaching speeds that most 2H DKs could only dream of. So, why didn't you?

    You keep saying this... is there any chance that you will finally do so and free us all from your whining?
    MikeyMetro and Morinphen like this.
  10. Demon

    Demon Forum Mogul

    I have 4 sacred sapphires , and 2 joker gems, do you think i should kepp them this way or combine them in 2 royal saphyres?
  11. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I'd say keep them as 4 sacred. That is 44% speed from 4 slots compared to only 28% speed from two. Sure, you could put onyxes in those other two slots, but only after losing 16% speed. If you can reach high crit without sacrificing those saphires, then do it. In real-estate, they say "Land is the one thing they aren't making any more of" and the same is true of sapphires. They are gone and any decision you make regarding your sapphires is permanent.
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