Cannot complete quest Age of rage 5/5,help please

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Banshiide, Aug 14, 2017.

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  1. Banshiide

    Banshiide Forum Greenhorn

    I collected the gorgon heads etc,but failed on first attempt,now every time i zone in i get the cannot find quest objective,please re enter map,tried lots for last few days.

    Do i stop quest and re do ,or is there a way to trigger it ?
  2. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    Yup :)

    Luck be with ye,
    Allogeneous likes this.
  3. Banshiide

    Banshiide Forum Greenhorn

    Thank you :)
  4. Nalros

    Nalros User

    Short and sweet answer there Mikey. @Banshiide, if you are happy with the answer, I can go ahead and close the case for you :).
  5. Banshiide

    Banshiide Forum Greenhorn

    All good and done than you :)
  6. Nalros

    Nalros User

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