Trouble with gems and runes

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by .aquaventions., May 14, 2017.

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  1. .aquaventions.

    .aquaventions. Forum Apprentice

    There are 10 slots on my wand for gems/runes. The first 5 are filled with royal gems; the second 5 are empty. For some reason it will not allow me to transfer either a rune or a gem from my inventory to the 5 open slots on my wand. What do I need to do to get them to transfer?
  2. Yogo

    Yogo Forum Great Master

    Hello .aquaventions. , if I were you , I would send a ticket to your Support and ask them for assistance. Prior doing that tho' , you could change maps few times and try to transfer your runes then. Another thing is, make sure you are attempting to transfer the right kind of runes into the wand...just saying:) Good luck!
  3. Galvard

    Galvard Forum Mogul

    The top rows of slots are for gems.
    The Bottom rows of slots are for runes.
    Yogo likes this.
  4. tassadar1977

    tassadar1977 Forum Expert

    and not all runes can go on all items. hover over the rune and make sure it says it can be used in your item
  5. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there @.aquaventions. ,

    You can have until 5 slots for gems and other 5 slots for runes, as explained in our tutorial HERE
    Make sure that you are trying to introduce the right 5 runes in those slots. Currently, for weapons, you can use only critical damage runes and/or speed runes, depending on weapon type too, of course.

    For more detailed information regarding runes and where they can be used, read our official wiki.
  6. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Jewels of Rage also work in weapons and adornments/bullets/arrows, should you happen to have those.

    Also, there are 2 classes of speed runes - the first that works on adornment/bullets/arrows, 1H and 2H items and the second that works only with 2H items.
  7. awaroa

    awaroa Advanced

    [QUOTE="Novadude, Jewels of Rage also work in weapons and adornments/bullets/arrows, should you happen to have those.

    using the word : also: implies that they work also somewhere else besides weapons and adornments so where do they work also
  8. Nalros

    Nalros User

    That is where they work. 1-Hand weapons, 2-Hand weapons, and Weapon Adornments. Technically speaking, if you had them equipped in your Cloak/Helmet pre-r185, they could stay there if you did not remove them at the Jeweler.
  9. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    This. I had mine in my helmet and sometimes wish I had kept them there, as they would have been grandfathered in.
  10. krawler2018

    krawler2018 Junior Expert

    i had the jewel of rage i think in helmet or cloak not sure but it got switched to weapon when the rune slots started
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